About kampcon

KAMPCON is an initiative of NUCPAAW to support its members and fans of the science fiction, fantasy and comic genre to bid and host the 2028 worldcon in Kampala

This is what we intend to do

Kampcon strategy, Confidences, and intentions, to host Worldcon to Kampala for the first time

We intend to host the Worldcon in Kampala to enable African science fiction and fantasy fans and producers to connect with companions from the rest of the world. This will help create more diverse and relevant collaborations with African speculative and science fiction which will steer the industry onto more sustainable and desirable trajectories for fans and producers of science fiction works. This is very possible, Ray Bradbury when actively immersed in the blossoming community of fans, he fell in with Forrest J Ackerman and the Los Angeles Science Fiction League (LASFL) in October 1937 at the age of 17

 Just four months later, his first published science fiction story appeared in the January 1938 issue of the club’s organ and went on to shape the genre for the next several decades.

We will make Worldcon in Kampala very hospitable and attractive to all science fiction, fantasy and Art related activities and organisers from all over the world.

We will ensure that local and international organisations and fans who wish to help by bringing expertise, experience and support to KAMPCON will be made feel very comfortable

Location - Uganda


Uganda is a country at the equator line, in the East of Africa, with the largest share of lake Victoria the world’s largest lake, and the source of the world’s longest river the Nile. Uganda is the pearl of Africa this was pronounced by Sir Winston Churchill in his book “ My African Journey” because of its beautiful landscape, climate, and hospitality of its inhabitants. Kampala is the capital city of Uganda, and is built on seven hills.

Lets connect to fans, talents and stories in Africa

Africa has a rich storytelling heritage and a wealth of folktales that have been passed down for generations.. The African continent is home to a tradition of creation myths that on closer inspection bear a striking resemblance to speculative science fiction. The Dogon people of Mali believe they are the descendants of an extra-terrestrial race from the Sirius B star system, and the Zulu in South Africa trace their name and origin story to somewhere just beyond the heavens. In Uganda the Buganda kingdom that has continuity since the 14th century traces its origins from a supernatural being “Kintu” who came from another world. Some of such stories have informed great fiction works that have won major honors in the science fiction genre. Writers who connect with African culture in their works have had no limits to fresh new stories, like Nnedi Okorafor and Tade Thompson have, between them, won the field’s highest honors, including the Hugo.


However many speculative fiction works, talents, and stories by Africans living in Africa still struggle to find a place on global platforms for fans and consumers to admire because of a number of barriers including but not limited to proximity and technological differences which leaves a lot of untapped talent and virgin stories on the continent that would be of great value to the science fiction and fantasy industry. This will also encourage diversity and inclusion in the media space.


Africa is not only hub for talent and stories that can inform production of great works of science fiction and fantasy, but also commands a strong fan base for the genre. This has been proved by the recent explosion of the global media industries and streamers inking collaboration deals with African sci-fi producers in a bid to grow their markets and have succeeded.

Aims of Kampcon Project

  •  Establishing provisional facilities contracts on appropriate terms
  • Preparatory arrangements for the creation of a legally incorporated entity (“the Company”) to act as a vehicle for the financing and operation of the Convention
  • Establishing an appropriate organisation and governance arrangements for the delivery of the Convention, and then transitioning to that structure and arrangements on completion of the Bid activities


To expose the Uganda creative industry to the international market by bringing the art industry’s best in the country to showcase alongside local Artist. 

  • To showcase Uganda’s tourism and hospitality industry at international platforms at worldcons to the exposure of more than 10000 attendees at every convention. 
  • To market Uganda as one of the world’s best tourism destinations. 
  • To showcase Uganda’s Wildlife capacity.. 
  • To attract all the world’s media houses to Uganda in a single event. 
  • To bring world-class fun to Uganda – To boost Uganda’s economy by attracting tourists to the country



Uganda’s tourism and hospitality has built capacity to host international gathering of more than 5000 guests in a go successfully e.g CHOGAM.

Uganda has one of the best climate unique to many countries.

Uganda has a alot of youthful creative talent in the science and fictionindustry producing films, books, paintings, sculptures etc, that has  potential to penetrate the world makerts.

Lets say Uganda has a favourable Political climate that has beencharacterised by peace and stability thus exhibiting ability to convene an international convention.

Uganda has unique wildlife species some of which cannot be found else where in the world.

African has not had a chance to host the worldcon so Uganda’s bid has a firm backing from the whole continent.

Activities at the convetion

Activities and events at the convention typically include (but are not limited to):