A bid to host worldcon in Africa


We intend to host the Worldcon in Kampala to enable African science fiction, fantasy, comic artists, fans and producers to connect with companions from the rest of the world..

The 82 Worldcon will be in Glasgow Scotland 8th to 12th August 2024

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About Us

Kampcon Team with the Uganda Tourism Board


An Empowered creative Artists’ community in Uganda that effectively contributes to the tourism and hospitality industry of the country

Mission Statement

To provide a platform for all artists in Uganda to penetrate the international market, while effectively marketing and Building Capacity of the Uganda Tourism and hospitality industry to host world class conventions on the annual calendar regularly.

Committee and staff

The kampcon 2028 Worldcon Bid is overseen by the kampcon 2028 Board, and operates under an overall Bid Charter. The Board provides governance and oversight of the Bid Committee.

The benefits of kampcon (worldcon)

  • The convention will draw big-spending fans to the country, “the collective mass of people in a good mood that are able to attract local and international media will give Ugandan products the lime light in the world markets hence boost the economy increasing the incomes of people in Kampala

  • Worldcons biding and host have a culture of attracting Budgets in millions of dollars in the country economies

  • Ugandan Artist will find community and social connections with like minded individuals and organizations from around the world.

  • We will mobilizie resource at the event like blood drive, and other worthy causes that need collective efforts.

  • The latest technology in the Art , science and fiction industry will be displayed in Kampala during the convention.

  • Uganda’ Tourism and hospitality industry will have a chance to showcase its potential at the World stage.

  • The will provide local creative Artists a platform to showcase their works at world stage.

  • We Will mobilise friends and supporters of Kampala to come to gather to support the city and Uganda to host the world event.

The Venue

Speke Resort Convention Centre Uganda

Why In Uganda?

Kampala hosted the first international gathering of writers and critics of African literature in Africa “the First African Writers Conference” held at Makerere University in 1962 attracting participants such as Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, and Langston Hughes. Although held right as many African nations were breaking free from colonialism, non-Africans like Hughes were welcomed as “observers” This conference cemented the concept of an “African” writer. It is also where the young Ngũgĩ slipped the manuscript of what would become his first published novel, Weep Not, Child, to Achebe who, duly impressed, passed it along to his editors at Heinemann in London. All of this pioneering activity in Kampala laid fertile ground for the emergence of the already powerful African writerly tradition. No doubt the Kampala landscape offers rich poetic inspirations.

What we intend to do

We intend to host the Worldcon in Kampala to enable African science fiction, fantasy, comic artists, fans and producers to connect with companions from the rest of the world. This will help create more diverse and relevant collaborations with African speculative and science fiction which will steer the industry onto more sustainable and desirable trajectories for fans and producers of science fiction works. This is very possible, Ray Bradbury when actively immersed in the blossoming community of fans, he fell in with Forrest J Ackerman and the Los Angeles Science Fiction League (LASFL) in October 1937 at the age of 17

be part of Kampcon project. join today

Don’t miss out on the chance to connect, learn, and grow. Join the conversation at our upcoming events and conferences.

Join the movement that will unlock your potential

Join now

We need your help to bring the Worldcon to Kampala! You can become a Supporter or Friend of kampcon 2028, enabling us to fund our campaign costs. We need people on board from all walks of life and different professions.

If you are already a supporter, you can check your current level on our Supporter List, and continue to lobby like minded people, science fiction, comic artists and fans to join the move.

Achievements so far:-

1. We succeeded to announce the kampcon2028 bid to host the Worldcon at sitting Worldcon (CHICON8) in Chicago in 2022. We proposed to host the 86th Worldcon in Kampala at Speke resort Munyonyo and Commonwealth resort Munyonyo and it was registered as a Worldcon bid for 2028. website. https://chicon.org/home/for-members/site-selection/future-worldcon-bids/

2. Kampcon Bid Team participated in the SMOFCON 38 convention that took place in montreal Canada in December 2022. We presented the Kampcon 2028 bid and Q & A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQRbUz_24LU


"The best thing about your life is when you choose your passion as your career. But not everyone gets this opportunity. If you are one of them, then it's not the time to be sad. Don't let your passion fail."

Martin Luther King, Jr. -

Kampcon At A Glance

Frequently asked question

This Section provides answers to all queries about Kampcon(The 86th World Science Fiction Convention), memberships and registration. If you can’t find the information you need here, please contact kampconproject@gmail.com and we will do our best to help you.

Kampcon: The 86th Worldcon

Partner organizations: